May 21, 2013
Taken outside my house around 8pm. HDR edited. |
Yup, I'm back home for my last summer before I'm a graduate and needing to find a big girl job. I've been back for a week, and I must say, I kinda wish I was a school. I miss the work I do over there. Yes, I do have more time on my hand even though I am taking summer classes, but it's just not the same as it used to be compared to other summer back home.
It's been nice to cook what ever I like for my deals and when I do so, but I just feel like this place isn't a home anymore. I'm visiting the one place I called home for four years, my high school, at the end of the week. I hope that it helps me remember why I was home sick at the end of this past semester.
I've done a few eventful things since I've been back. First, I went to my sister's departmental senior reception type of event where she interpreted for one of the seniors speaking. It was really cool to get to see her in action. Being an ASL interpreter is so amazing and inspiring.
Manifest performance
at the main stage. |
The next day, we went to Manifest, which I describe as a celebration of Columbia College Chicago student's work. There were a ton of events throughout the day: jazz music, dance performances, comedy acts, and my sister's department's ASL poetry type reading event. Now that was awesome. Many students studying ASL performed songs and even original poems. Manifest is such a great way to showcase what college students spend so much time working on over the past years. There were too many events to go to. I am really considering going to grad school because I feel like there is still so much I can learn, and Columbia seems like a place where I could really grow as an individual.
The third event was my sister's commencement. Let me tell you, I wish Muskingum had a low key graduation like Columbia does. They are just so chill and fun. That's probably because it's an art school, but still! Graduation is a fun time, so the event itself should be just that.
This is possibly my last summer living here. Who knows where I will be after graduation. I could find a job right outside of New Concord and live there for a few years. Or, I may find a job in the city, Columbus or Chicago, and have to deal with the city life. Either way, things have changed and are going to continue to do so in the next year. Am I ready for it?!
In a short few weeks, I'll be done with summer classes, my summer job will start and my internship will be on its way. I just hope this summer goes by quick so that I can finish my last semester at Muskingum and go get a job in the real world.