A year in review.
December 31, 2015
2015 has turned out to be a much better year than I thought it was going to be. Someone was a little negative after 2014, that's for sure. Despite not always being optimistic about the possibilities in 2015, I achieved a lot, and I am proud of myself for the highs but disappointed in the lows.

'Yes Please' by Amy Poehler.
December 20, 2015
Wow. What a great read. I finished Yes Please in three days. I wish it didn't end. Amy is a very good writer, very good. Reading autobiographies "celebrities" write are usually eye opening, but Amy's was really opening. She shared her life enough to make her relateable without telling all.
Quote for the New Year.
December 18, 2015
Many of my favorite quotes are from Ralph Waldo Emerson. I thought this would be a good one to start the new year with:
Many of my favorite quotes are from Ralph Waldo Emerson. I thought this would be a good one to start the new year with:
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
Pizza challenge: 1, Mandaa, 0.
December 17 2015
Yup, I lost the pizza challenge. I competed with my good ole friend Marty in attempts to defeat the Big Kahuna, a 29 inch pizza with three toppings of our choice. He was starting to get sick from all the grease (I warned him about those pepperoni's!) and had to stop. I don't blame him though. It was worth the shot.
That item is officially fulfilled from my bucket list. No more official food challenges for me. I learned that sometimes money and risk is worth it when you want to try something new or reach an accomplishment in life. No, this was not the best way to have more appreciation for how capable I am of trying things others can't, but it was a good experience. I will never eat pizza again, sadly.
We asked friends that attended to help us pay. And when some did, we donated double, rather than paying them back, to a local charity. That was very nice. I also learned that I have great support in my life, as I have been seeing a lot this year, and I know that when I attempt more logical challenges in my life, I will have that backbone and smiling face I'll need throughout.
Yup, I lost the pizza challenge. I competed with my good ole friend Marty in attempts to defeat the Big Kahuna, a 29 inch pizza with three toppings of our choice. He was starting to get sick from all the grease (I warned him about those pepperoni's!) and had to stop. I don't blame him though. It was worth the shot.
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The Big Kahuna was just too big! ;) |
We asked friends that attended to help us pay. And when some did, we donated double, rather than paying them back, to a local charity. That was very nice. I also learned that I have great support in my life, as I have been seeing a lot this year, and I know that when I attempt more logical challenges in my life, I will have that backbone and smiling face I'll need throughout.
December = spring..?
December 12, 2015
I ran outside. It's December. In Southeastern Ohio.
Today is going to be a good day.
'Yoga Bitch' by Suzanne Morrison.
December 10, 2015
I finished another book! Not sure why it took me so long to get through this one, but it did. Another autobiography to add to my bucket list. Woot woot!
Anyways, this was a good read. Yoga Bitch: One Woman's Quest to Conquer Skepticism, Cynicism, and Cigarettes on the Path to Enlightenment is a book I know my yoga friends would enjoy (cough, cough: Sally and Emily). Suzanne goes to Bali for two months and is on the path to earning enough hours for a teaching certification. She follows a different lifestyle than the one she was living in the United States for the two months overseas, and man did she run into some interesting situations.
I finished another book! Not sure why it took me so long to get through this one, but it did. Another autobiography to add to my bucket list. Woot woot!
Anyways, this was a good read. Yoga Bitch: One Woman's Quest to Conquer Skepticism, Cynicism, and Cigarettes on the Path to Enlightenment is a book I know my yoga friends would enjoy (cough, cough: Sally and Emily). Suzanne goes to Bali for two months and is on the path to earning enough hours for a teaching certification. She follows a different lifestyle than the one she was living in the United States for the two months overseas, and man did she run into some interesting situations.
Thanksgiving on the east side.
December 1, 2015
I'm currently in bed trying to recover from some bug I caught from my little vacation or once I returned. No one wants to know the details of what I've been going through the past two days. Just... icky. Sad face.
Anywho, my Thanksgiving was quite fantastic. I went to visit some of my mom's side of the family that lives in the east side of PA. I haven't seen them since high school! It was a breath of fresh air.
'You're listening to WMCO!'
November 19, 2015
I was on WMCO 90.7 last Sunday. Say what? Take a listen!
I was on WMCO 90.7 last Sunday. Say what? Take a listen!
'After You' by Jojo Moyes.
November 17, 2015
I finished another book! Woohoo! Around this time last year, I think, I finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and I really liked it. A friend recommended it to me. I was at my local library in September, and I saw that a sequel to Me Before You had just come out, and I was so excited! Unfortunately, all the copies, in the library and on its digital site, were of course all checked out and had a hold line. Luckily for me, one library branch in my county system had the book the day I was randomly checking for its availability. So, I picked it up last Tuesday and finished it this morning. It was a really good read following its first book.
I finished another book! Woohoo! Around this time last year, I think, I finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and I really liked it. A friend recommended it to me. I was at my local library in September, and I saw that a sequel to Me Before You had just come out, and I was so excited! Unfortunately, all the copies, in the library and on its digital site, were of course all checked out and had a hold line. Luckily for me, one library branch in my county system had the book the day I was randomly checking for its availability. So, I picked it up last Tuesday and finished it this morning. It was a really good read following its first book.
Driving at 75 mph.
November 16th, 2015
No, I have not been driving over 70 mph! It's November already?! Geez. The weather out here is beyond warm and tolerable out here. Is it really November?! This second half of the year is just speeding by. Can we just slow down, please? In less than two weeks I'll be traveling for Thanksgiving break, then I'll be turning 24. Say what?! A few weeks following that, I'll be back home for Christmas.
Runnin' around.
October 30th, 2015
It's been a good two months in good ole N-Cord and Zville (aka Ohio!). I'm starting to get into a routine, but not a strict, unbreakable routine. I still work out, probably too much, but it's not that controlling. As I typed that, I feel like I'm trying to convince myself that's true.
It's been a good two months in good ole N-Cord and Zville (aka Ohio!). I'm starting to get into a routine, but not a strict, unbreakable routine. I still work out, probably too much, but it's not that controlling. As I typed that, I feel like I'm trying to convince myself that's true.
A large step forward in my life.
September 17, 2015
It's September?! What was I doing instead of blogging?! Well, I was busy living life, going to the golf course then packing and moving to Ohio. Yup.. I'm finally an Ohio resident! Long story short, I got a job at Muskingum working in the Public Relations office.
It's September?! What was I doing instead of blogging?! Well, I was busy living life, going to the golf course then packing and moving to Ohio. Yup.. I'm finally an Ohio resident! Long story short, I got a job at Muskingum working in the Public Relations office.
Bucket List
Summer is going by too fast!
July 25th, 2015
What?! It's almost August?! Well then. I feel like I let summer just pass me by. I've been busy with two jobs (only twice a week), golf, making workout plans for my aqua class, perfecting my breakfast muffins, and trying to be happy and fix myself. My bestie and I haven't been able to make time for yoga, which is upsetting, but she has summer school. She is working her butt off in these two classes to get ready for graduate school, and I am so proud of her! Her career goal of being a Pharmacist is a longer road than some careers, and she is doing what she has to, even if that means spending four days a week in the summer at classes then working on the weekends. I'm so proud of her!
What?! It's almost August?! Well then. I feel like I let summer just pass me by. I've been busy with two jobs (only twice a week), golf, making workout plans for my aqua class, perfecting my breakfast muffins, and trying to be happy and fix myself. My bestie and I haven't been able to make time for yoga, which is upsetting, but she has summer school. She is working her butt off in these two classes to get ready for graduate school, and I am so proud of her! Her career goal of being a Pharmacist is a longer road than some careers, and she is doing what she has to, even if that means spending four days a week in the summer at classes then working on the weekends. I'm so proud of her!
It's warming up!
March 30, 2015
There was snow on the ground last week, and now we're expected to have 60 degree weather tomorrow. I thought we were going to skip spring over here and go straight to summer. I don't know if I would rather have that or deal with this Midwest inconsistency. I just want to golf already! Either way, hopefully I'm not saying this too soon: happy spring!
My yoga instructor is leaving for two months to Asia to earn his 500 hours. I don't know what I am going to do without him! My friend and I have been going to his classes specifically since December or so. He has been our favorite instructor. For his "last" class, he offered an inversions workshop. I'm not very good with these poses since I always feel a head rush, but I wanted the challenge and get used to the comfortableness of most of them. Even though we always get the chance for inversions before we finish our practice during normal class, it was nice to get more hands on help, especially with head stands.
There was snow on the ground last week, and now we're expected to have 60 degree weather tomorrow. I thought we were going to skip spring over here and go straight to summer. I don't know if I would rather have that or deal with this Midwest inconsistency. I just want to golf already! Either way, hopefully I'm not saying this too soon: happy spring!
My yoga instructor is leaving for two months to Asia to earn his 500 hours. I don't know what I am going to do without him! My friend and I have been going to his classes specifically since December or so. He has been our favorite instructor. For his "last" class, he offered an inversions workshop. I'm not very good with these poses since I always feel a head rush, but I wanted the challenge and get used to the comfortableness of most of them. Even though we always get the chance for inversions before we finish our practice during normal class, it was nice to get more hands on help, especially with head stands.
I don't get it.
March 13, 2015
It finally feels like spring. It may not look like it, but the snow is almost all melted away, and soon enough I'll be able to run outside comfortably and take some golf swings outside. Hopefully, this spring will be kind to me and allow me to actually feel warm so I can enjoy running and training for some fun 5k's.
Unedited. This was sometime after 7pm. |
My night with Colin Hay.
February 22nd, 2015
I'm up early on a Sunday, as usual! Even though my Saturday was quite uneventful, my weekend feels to be very exciting and life changing.
I'm up early on a Sunday, as usual! Even though my Saturday was quite uneventful, my weekend feels to be very exciting and life changing.
Bucket List
Into my life.
February 14, 2015
Last night, my best friend and I did a partner's yoga class that was offered in honor of Valentine's Day. We were more excited for the wine and desserts offered afterwards, of course. I have been having a bad week, and I just wasn't looking forward to it like I should have been. I was mad at myself that I wasn't more anxious and ready for a new form of yoga.
My dad and I had a disagreement, and he's the kind of guy that raises his voice and doesn't mean to. I HATE that. He knows that, too. Does he try to change for me? Not that I can tell. Of course this incident happens on a Monday and throws my whole week off. Of all the weeks, I was just hoping this one would be even toned and nice for me. I hate Valentine's Day. My dad is the only man in my life I think loves me, so I was heart broken he would verbally hurt me when we have an awesome weekend planned next week.
I am VERY glad my mood was changed once I got to class yesterday. Yoga was the best thing for me this week. Tuesday's class was rough since I couldn't focus on my intention. Either way, I am appreciative for my instructor and the practice itself. Partners yoga was new, refreshing and worth it. Emily and I are so in sync. We did an awesome job trusting each other and being able to do the poses without much help. Of course I got confused a few times. I never said I was good at yoga; I just love going to class and being on the mat and nowhere else for an hour and fifteen minutes.
I've been working out nearly everyday since the end of December. Losing weight and building muscle had definitely helped me with my practice. I am able to do poses with better posture and correctly, and I also have been getting closer to getting into poses I was having trouble with, like crow. It's a small thing, but it's a big feat for me. I am starting to find a new passion in life that promotes a healthy mental, physical, and emotional lifestyle for me.
I still can't really figure out what triggered me to keep up with working out daily. I of course wanted to feel better and look good for hopefully a new man to come into my life. I think trying to look "skinny" to find a guy is a bad reason to drag myself to the gym on those mornings I feel I need more sleep, but I don't think I'm continuing with this lifestyle for that reason. My motives have changed.. I think. I am seeing and feeling results, and I need some positive actions in my life. With work, I haven't been feeling "proud" if it since I really don't have any ownership. There's nothing to show my family and friends that I am succeeding at my job. When I work out and perfect my yoga poses, I have something to show for it. I have achievement I can be proud of and continue to work on.
I'm not looking for others to show acceptance and give compliments. It's just that I like that I am making goals for myself and can take ownership for it. No one else is losing my weight or adding my muscle. There are people that I sometimes work out with or I attend yoga with and my instructor that have been alongside me for the ride, but in the end, my health is all up to me. I think I'm writing away just to say that I am finding passion in life and am finding ways to be proud of myself. I'm not "making bank" with a career I set out to have, but I am working on myself and reaching other goals. That should be a good enough reason to allow myself to walk with my head held high and a smile on my face, right?
Last night, my best friend and I did a partner's yoga class that was offered in honor of Valentine's Day. We were more excited for the wine and desserts offered afterwards, of course. I have been having a bad week, and I just wasn't looking forward to it like I should have been. I was mad at myself that I wasn't more anxious and ready for a new form of yoga.
My dad and I had a disagreement, and he's the kind of guy that raises his voice and doesn't mean to. I HATE that. He knows that, too. Does he try to change for me? Not that I can tell. Of course this incident happens on a Monday and throws my whole week off. Of all the weeks, I was just hoping this one would be even toned and nice for me. I hate Valentine's Day. My dad is the only man in my life I think loves me, so I was heart broken he would verbally hurt me when we have an awesome weekend planned next week.
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Tree was our favorite of the night. Well, at least mine! |
I've been working out nearly everyday since the end of December. Losing weight and building muscle had definitely helped me with my practice. I am able to do poses with better posture and correctly, and I also have been getting closer to getting into poses I was having trouble with, like crow. It's a small thing, but it's a big feat for me. I am starting to find a new passion in life that promotes a healthy mental, physical, and emotional lifestyle for me.
I still can't really figure out what triggered me to keep up with working out daily. I of course wanted to feel better and look good for hopefully a new man to come into my life. I think trying to look "skinny" to find a guy is a bad reason to drag myself to the gym on those mornings I feel I need more sleep, but I don't think I'm continuing with this lifestyle for that reason. My motives have changed.. I think. I am seeing and feeling results, and I need some positive actions in my life. With work, I haven't been feeling "proud" if it since I really don't have any ownership. There's nothing to show my family and friends that I am succeeding at my job. When I work out and perfect my yoga poses, I have something to show for it. I have achievement I can be proud of and continue to work on.
I'm not looking for others to show acceptance and give compliments. It's just that I like that I am making goals for myself and can take ownership for it. No one else is losing my weight or adding my muscle. There are people that I sometimes work out with or I attend yoga with and my instructor that have been alongside me for the ride, but in the end, my health is all up to me. I think I'm writing away just to say that I am finding passion in life and am finding ways to be proud of myself. I'm not "making bank" with a career I set out to have, but I am working on myself and reaching other goals. That should be a good enough reason to allow myself to walk with my head held high and a smile on my face, right?
2015: here for a year.
January 7, 2015
I'm funny, aren't I?! I feel like I've been busy since the last time I took a moment to write. There was working out more than usual, seeing old friends in town for the holidays, Christmas, New Year's, and crafting. I'm very pleased 2014 is over. It was a quick, painful year for me.
So, what are my "resolutions"? Well, I don't have any. (What?!) My best friend explained this in a very different way to me. Not word-for-word what she said, but basically, from her perspective, a new year shouldn't mean that she should make changes to her life or seek things she wants to do different. If there's something she wants to work on personally or start doing, she'll do it immediately. As soon as she gets an epiphany, action should be taken as soon as possible, not as a "New Year resolution".
In some aspects of her logic, I agree. This doesn't mean it's a bad idea to take this time of year as a chance to evaluate your life. It just shouldn't be the only time this is done. For some, this is a great way to have extra motivation to make those changes. Personally, I wanted to start getting in shape and look tone, skinnier and healthier. I decided this around Thanksgiving. I could have waited until 2015, but I needed to take action sooner, and I did. I make goals for myself throughout the year, so I guess this is a good time to see where I am at those goals versus brainstorming new ones.
I know in 2015 I want to be happier and find myself again, and I do feel better since the rough patches. 2014 just wasn't my year. Everyone knows that. I enjoyed a lot of moments, but I was very lost. I'm still lost. I'm closer to "being found", so I can smile a little bit more for that. I don't have any New Year goals or resolutions other than to continue the right changes I was trying to make last year and keep seeking new solutions to my issues that aren't quite taken care of yet.
I'm happy to be alive! I'm also happy I am checking things off my bucket list. I cut off 10 inches of hair and donated it, and I went to a NFL game. Next month, I get to knock another thing off my list: my dad and I are going to see Colin Hay! Unfortunately, it won't be in Australia, but this is good enough for me! I am too thrilled that I got tickets for the both of us, and I hope we get to meet him after the show. :)
I'm funny, aren't I?! I feel like I've been busy since the last time I took a moment to write. There was working out more than usual, seeing old friends in town for the holidays, Christmas, New Year's, and crafting. I'm very pleased 2014 is over. It was a quick, painful year for me.
So, what are my "resolutions"? Well, I don't have any. (What?!) My best friend explained this in a very different way to me. Not word-for-word what she said, but basically, from her perspective, a new year shouldn't mean that she should make changes to her life or seek things she wants to do different. If there's something she wants to work on personally or start doing, she'll do it immediately. As soon as she gets an epiphany, action should be taken as soon as possible, not as a "New Year resolution".
In some aspects of her logic, I agree. This doesn't mean it's a bad idea to take this time of year as a chance to evaluate your life. It just shouldn't be the only time this is done. For some, this is a great way to have extra motivation to make those changes. Personally, I wanted to start getting in shape and look tone, skinnier and healthier. I decided this around Thanksgiving. I could have waited until 2015, but I needed to take action sooner, and I did. I make goals for myself throughout the year, so I guess this is a good time to see where I am at those goals versus brainstorming new ones.
I know in 2015 I want to be happier and find myself again, and I do feel better since the rough patches. 2014 just wasn't my year. Everyone knows that. I enjoyed a lot of moments, but I was very lost. I'm still lost. I'm closer to "being found", so I can smile a little bit more for that. I don't have any New Year goals or resolutions other than to continue the right changes I was trying to make last year and keep seeking new solutions to my issues that aren't quite taken care of yet.
I'm happy to be alive! I'm also happy I am checking things off my bucket list. I cut off 10 inches of hair and donated it, and I went to a NFL game. Next month, I get to knock another thing off my list: my dad and I are going to see Colin Hay! Unfortunately, it won't be in Australia, but this is good enough for me! I am too thrilled that I got tickets for the both of us, and I hope we get to meet him after the show. :)
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