Pizza challenge: 1, Mandaa, 0.

December 17 2015

  Yup, I lost the pizza challenge. I competed with my good ole friend Marty in attempts to defeat the Big Kahuna, a 29 inch pizza with three toppings of our choice. He was starting to get sick from all the grease (I warned him about those pepperoni's!) and had to stop. I don't blame him though. It was worth the shot.

The Big Kahuna was just too big! ;)
  That item is officially fulfilled from my bucket list. No more official food challenges for me. I learned that sometimes money and risk is worth it when you want to try something new or reach an accomplishment in life. No, this was not the best way to have more appreciation for how capable I am of trying things others can't, but it was a good experience. I will never eat pizza again, sadly.

  We asked friends that attended to help us pay. And when some did, we donated double, rather than paying them back, to a local charity. That was very nice. I also learned that I have great support in my life, as I have been seeing a lot this year, and I know that when I attempt more logical challenges in my life, I will have that backbone and smiling face I'll need throughout.