September 17, 2015
It's September?! What was I doing instead of blogging?! Well, I was busy living life, going to the golf course then packing and moving to Ohio. Yup.. I'm finally an Ohio resident! Long story short, I got a job at Muskingum working in the Public Relations office.
This is not my running
route, but it is pretty. |
I live about 24 minutes from the University (yes, it's exactly 24 minutes on a good drive). There are hills almost everywhere, which haven't bothered me quite yet. I found a good running route to avoid them, thankfully. The job isn't very hilly either. It's been a smooth transition for me. There isn't anything I'm having a difficult time completing. It's slower paced than my last job, which is leaving time for thinking. You would think that's a good thing, right? but me alone and time to think is not a good thing. Yes, my anxiety has gotten better, but that doesn't me I don't have my down moments. I wasn't worried about money since I've been saving up for when this would happen, but I don't like thinking about the options I've chosen and how I could be saving more money than I am.
I've come to learn that money is meant to be spent. Of course it's positive and smart to have some saved away. We also need to spend it to enjoy life. There are activities and moments we can have together that don't cost money, true. Sometimes spending a little more is required to get a memory that's worth the cost and worth more than the amount spent. Going out to eat at a fancy restaurant, traveling to a new town or specific destination, seeing a comedy or music show... some of these are a pretty penny, but the emotion and thrill experienced shouldn't be missed because of fear on its cost.
Involvement Fair 2015! |
I am blessed, just really, truthfully blessed. There wasn't another word to describe my first two weeks on the job. The people I work with are very supportive and laid back. The welcome-backs from people I didn't even know that well was honestly humbling. I knew I made some sort of impact during my time as a student, but I didn't think as many people would remember me coming back this semester. Wow. Now that's something money can't buy.
Even though this new job is pretty much what I want to do for many, many years to come, the relocating was a little difficult. Yes, I needed to get out of my current home. Unfortunately, I was really getting close to some new and past friends. The distance may weaken the bonds. I need to look out for myself. I also need to keep the friendships and support I just built with some of these great people. I mostly miss Emily and Sally (Mama Sal). We were the best threesome Mount Prospect had! We ruled that town, haha. Not really. Either way, our bond was becoming stronger and stronger, and now we have this roadblock.
First week photo collage, as needed. |
Timing was pretty bad, I must say. We each are starting a new chapter, so I guess it's nice to have time away from one another so that we can focus on what lies ahead as individuals. Emily has grad school and Sally is working on her shoulder recovery and great projects coming ahead. Thank goodness we are each chatty and always find a reason to message one another. I got the best going away gifts from them, and it's a great reminder around the apartment of the positive vibes I have coming home my home town. (Love you, girls!)
Anyways, being a resident in Ohio sure does feel right. I have a welcoming college town community already embracing me and wanting me to be involved. There's nothing better than that feeling.