The three favorite life-changing events were moving to Ohio, living in an apartment on my own and accepting a new job at my Alma mater as a Public Relations Manager. Adulthood has really set in since August. I have a lot of responsibility (obviously) and am accountable for any mistakes or accidents that may arise.
According to my Goodreads account, I've only read 14 books this year. I may have forgotten to add others to the shelf. 15 is still not bad compared to the years I only read for classroom assignments when I was a student. I'm still ecstatic I was able to complete many books. My favorite... I don't know if I can choose, to be honest. I really enjoyed Yes Please by Amy Poehler. While driving home during Christmas, I listened to I Must Say: My Life As a Humble Comedy Legend by Martin Short. I was brought to tears in the last chapter, and it was well worth it. I loved listening and admired his love and relationship with his wife. Golly, I hope I can have a relationship like that.
My physical and mental health have been on a roller coaster and couldn't just go slow on a flat track this past year. From handling anxiety and the medication to eating expired food and getting sick, it was tiring and stressful. Positives in one area, negatives in the next. Isn't that how life always is?! I don't make specific New Year resolutions, but my goal is to take better care of my body and mind since I'm now in a less-anxious job and living in a more calming environment.
Let's keep this short. After traveling for holiday the past two months, I am going to stay put and enjoy Ohio again. 2016 will bring more new beginnings, like a new president at work, a new office with high ceilings and an actual view, attending more yoga classes at a new studio in town, new friends, maybe some new places to see, and as we each hope, happiness and good health for myself and my friends and family.