Dear Shonda,
GREAT book. Year of Yes made me realize things about myself that made me proud of who I am, which I didn't expect. Everyone needs a year of yes! I've already have been working on the Yes, and your book is giving me the positive push to continue through it, no matter how difficult. I appreciate your honesty and openness throughout the book, too.
The highlight of the book for me is when you share the experience of ending Cristina Yang's run on Grey's Anatomy. I've only seen a single episode of Grey's Anatomy (twice). After reading the book, I am another step closer to being convinced to watch it. You were really connected to her and considered her a friend (a part of your Tribe, if I'm not mistaken), and I'm someone who's embarrassed to admit that in regards to characters and even famous people I feel (think?) I have a relationship with in my life. Of course I know the feelings aren't mutual, but it's real for me and has a positive impact. And when one of them passed away, I actually feel pain, heartache I have never experienced.
I mean that I am going to miss Cristina Yang so much that my heart hurts.
Thank you for allowing me to feel no shame in these connections. I'll also work on seeing people as who they truly are and not who I think they are. Your words of advice and truth inspire me to be who I am, 100 percent, in full, always. I have a hard time with saying Yes and No. Both are powerful depending on the circumstances, and thank you for reminding me that the right No is necessary, just as much as the right, yet uncomfortable, Yes. I also appreciated the reminder to take ownership and to be proud of the skills I have and my accomplishments. If and when I'm a badass, I must work it!
Gentle reader, may you never be lucky. I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.Continue your badassery, Shonda!
All the best,
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