30 Days of Being Thankful: Day 6

November 6th, 2014

  The weather is getting much worse. The polar vortex, or whatever, is coming to Chicago. Yes! Just kidding... about the yes. Being a cold person, I am not ready for this nonsense. Time to pull out the parkas and extra thick socks.

  6. I have to say I'm especially thankful to my doctor this past month. I really like my doctor, my specialist that is. I switched regular doctors at my family place; I'm actually also thankful for David, we'll call him, too. He's younger than the other guy I had, and he seems to be more about the patient than about the money. David's super chill and more understanding. When he couldn't find a clear answer to my problems, he referred me to one of his specialist friends down the road to help figure out these issues.

  My specialist, who we'll call Will, is also fairly young and chill. I have never felt more comfortable around a doctor until I started seeing him. I must say, male doctors are more comforting than female doctors. I will most likely never go back to a woman doctor (sorry female docs out there).  Will's got my back. He still doesn't know the answers to my problem, but he is calming and reassuring that we'll figure it all out.

  You see, without too many details, I haven't had a normal menstrual cycle in two years. If I don't find the answer and take care of it, I may not be able to get pregnant naturally; I'd have to take hormone pills among other steps to do so. All the tests so far show I'm a healthy, young woman. Will is still surprised. We're pretty much dealing with a process of elimination, which I hate. Why can't there just be a test for everything? Sorry, that's just not how it works in the real world.

  I feel bad for having such long appointments with Will. He sets himself up, haha. He always asks, "Is there anything else you can think of?". I always think of something, whether it's relevant or not. I still think he should know, and he doesn't get too aggravated. Like today, I told him I've been getting somewhat random bruises. I don't remember an action leading to a possible bruise, but I get some nonetheless. To me, that may help. I don't know! Will's a doctor; I'll let him decide if it's relevant or not I guess.

  Long story short, I've been thankful for doctors and medicine practices more recently because of the issues I'm finally trying to get taken care of after over a year of putting it off. So, thank you to my doctors David and Will, others currently practicing correctly, students studying medicine, and nurses too, of course.

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