May 13th, 2014
I did it.. part two! I went back to Muskingum to walk and be honored in front of my classmates, professors, family, and friends as a graduate of the 169th class. (Our school is off exit 169; how cool is that connection?!)
Even though I technically graduated in 2013, I walked with my incoming class, which was an amazing, honorable experience. I was sad to not see some fellow December grads come back, but it was still a great time. It did rain, which makes two raining graduations for me! At least this time, the rain didn't ruin the whole ceremony.
I took an overnight night bus to Columbus then a second bus to Zanesville to spend two days before the ceremony with my friends, attend practice and converse with some ole professors. It wasn't enough time to enjoy the company of those I love dearly, but it was better than nothing. I'll take that over no time at all.
One thing I did I've been waiting a month to do was decorate my cap! I know that's not a necessary part of the experience, but as a design major, I take full advantage of the university allowing us to do it. (Thank you, President Steele!) My cap is very important to me, and it's already on my wall in my room. There are a few aspects of my cap that are more than just the symbols I cut out nearly days before I got to wear it.
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Taken right outside the second floor doors of Caldwell Hall. Sentimental, huh? |
DMD: My major, if you didn't catch that! Digital Media Design was tailored just for me, I swear. The courses I chose to take within the requirements and the various tracks options allowed me to enroll in exactly the classes I wanted to without making it feel like I was taking classes just to fulfill requirements. I appreciate that there are endless opportunities that a DMD student can do. I hope more students seek Muskingum for this program.
Alpha Sigma Alpha: my sorority! I have made a few bonds that will be for a life time, and I cannot wait to continue making fun and interesting memories. The sorority taught me the importance of time management, friendship, giving back, and commitment. I love the women of Zeta Omicron!
Orbit Media Logo: I spent almost too much time in Caldwell Hall, thanks to Orbit Media. I grew so much as a journalist and student because of Orbit TV and the Black and Magenta. Even though I wasn't truly a part of WMCO, it was a part of my life through a few classes and enjoyed my once a week moments on the air my sophomore year. Majority of my work ethic is from this organization, and I have made great friends, which was a bonus! Despite not having a huge interest to be in the journalism field (just at the moment!), I can use what I've learned in my future career, hopefully within marketing and design, that will help me succeed. I miss working in the newsroom, seeing familiar faces, gossiping, laughing, crying, HUGGING, and just being able to hear my classmates on their air and see them on TV.
Five stars: I have stars on my cap because generally, stars are significant for guidance and blend with the theme of Orbit Media. There are 5 stars to represent 5 individuals at Muskingum that have helped me on my journey. I'm not going to name who each star is for because they should know who they are. Without them, I would have had a totally different experience at the university, and I can't say there is too much I would want to change if I could go back in time. The things I would change would still involve these amazing role models, so either way, I'm blessed by what they have done for me. They are my stars because I look to them as role models, for advice and for a helping hand. I know even though I'm no longer a student, I can go to them for anything. I also know (or at least like to think) each one thinks positive thoughts for me as I start shaping my career. So, THANK YOU. I want to properly thank you one day, but there's not enough to do that would accomplish that.
Golden Oreo and "TYCD": This is a shout-out for a great mentor and friend of mine, and I miss his class every day. I wish I was able to take more of his classes, but my money-saving-self wanted to get out a semester early, and I took his class my last semester, so it left no opportunity for me to learn more about marketing. If I knew I would have enjoyed the field and his classes, I would have taken Principles of Marketing the first fall available to me! I guess most things happen for a reason, but nonetheless, we crossed each other's paths, and that's better than not meeting in the first place. Besides learning how my design skills can be applied in a marketing setting, I was able to grow as an individual and start taking the many aspects of adulthood seriously. Without his guidance and support so far in my post-graduation life, I feel I'd be a lot less confident and driven about my future. I'm now considering graduate school, which I thought I'd never want to pursue. So, this is my "thank you" to him.
The "Long Magenta Line" infinity symbol: I feel it's pretty self explanatory. No matter where my life takes me or which state I live in, I will always be a Muskie. The lessons, skills, friendships, and drive developed during my years will never leave me, and I'll always have a special connection with the institution and campus. It's never ending. When I visit in the years to come, the feelings may bring new and different emotions, but it'll always be a welcoming place and somewhere that I can call home. I'm missing it, maybe too much, at this moment.
I get emotional knowing all the amazing people I've just reminisced about and the place I've spent a good 3 and a half years at are over 300 miles away. How do you just start living your life again so distant from those who have helped shaped you to who you stand as today? When I find out, I'll let you know, because I can't say I'm doing so correctly or that it's been easy. I hope and pray those who have been a positive influence during my college career know that, and I wish I had a proper way of saying "thank you". Good karma will come your way; I can guarantee that. (:
Anyways, I'm a part of the long magenta line and finally got to shake President Steele's hand to make it feel more real. Aaaaand, I have an awesome, little reminder from her thanks to my "BBFL" Christine a part my graduation gift that I'm loved and always a Muskie.
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